A recent article cites Bryan Fisher’s statement on The Campo family and the existence of any relationship with AG Jeff Landry. “The Campo family, the parents, do not know Jeff Landry. They’ve never met him. They’ve never spoken to him on the phone. They do not know him from Adam.” via The Advocate Read the …
Bryan Fisher’s Satatement Regarding BRPD
“Unfortunately, the BRPD has not provided the promised transparency on this case, Fisher said this week. “We have viewed videotape, selected by the BRPD, for approximately 30 minutes. The viewed videotape segments were queued and narrated by BRPD representatives present at the viewing. We were not allowed to view any additional videotape, listen to any …
Attorney Bryan Fisher Appointed to AAJ Leaders Forum
Injury attorney Bryan Fisher has been appointed to the Leaders Forum of the American Association for Justice (AAJ). Fisher, lead trial lawyer with Fisher Injury Lawyers, brings 25 years experience and a reputation for big wins to the position. The AAJ established the Leaders Forum more than a decade ago to ensure that every person has access to …
Win in New Jersey by Bryan Fisher Reported by Leagle.com
Win by Fisher Injury Lawyers In New Jersey Reported by Leagle.com Leagle.com, a leading provider of public online access to primary case law from all federal courts and all state higher courts is reporting that Bryan D Fisher has succeeded in having claims against his client, Morgan Breslin, brought by Amtrust Inc (Lloyds of London) …