Yes. In fact, you need to distinguish between your insurance company the company that you purchased insurance from. You have an obligation under the insurance contract and the law in most states to cooperate with your insurance company with the investigation of the accident. You also have an obligation under the insurance contract and law …
Who Can Be Liable For A Major Injury?
The general rule is that the person who caused or contributed to the cause of the accident can be held liable. That’s direct liability. In addition, any insurance company that proves coverage for that person in their acts or omissions that resulted in the accident or wreck or whatever the case may be that caused …
What Should I Do First When Injured In An Accident?
First, call for help. Notify the police if someone’s injured, call 911 and ask for an ambulance or for medical care or a first responder. Then you should cooperate with the investigation by the police. After that’s happened you need to take some time to assess the situation and determine whether or not you need …