Baton Rouge, LA (July 28, 2019) – Local sources have reported a deadly accident in Baton Rouge on Interstate 12 near the intersection with O’Neal Ln. The incident took place at around 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 28th, and involved a truck that was hauling a trailer.
The vehicle involved was a Ford F150 pickup truck hauling a trailer of lawn equipment. Baton Rouge police officials report that the Ford was traveling west on Interstate 12 when the driver, identified as 52-year-old Timothy Stears, suddenly took the exit for O’Neal Ln., causing Stears to lose control of the vehicle. The vehicle came to a stop in a ditch next to the roadway.
Stears suffered fatal injuries and was pronounced dead by responding paramedics. His passenger was taken to a local medical facility for treatment of sustained injuries.
It is believed that speed played a part in the accident.
The investigation into the cause of the crash is ongoing.
We would like to offer our deepest condolences to the family of Timothy Stears at this time. Our thoughts are with the injured victim and their family in hopes of a full recovery.
Speed-Related Wrecks in Baton Rouge
In 2017, 9,717 people were killed in car accidents involving speeding.
It may seem to be an advantage to get where you are going quicker, but speed limits are in place to provide for the safety of everyone.
In some cases, the surviving family members of victims can partner with a qualified wrongful death attorney in Louisiana to bring the at-fault party to justice.
Fisher Injury Lawyers takes pride in helping the residents of Louisiana recover after experiencing a loss resulting from a tragic car crash. Contact our offices at 225-766-1234 if you have lost a loved one due to another’s negligence.
Note: To write and construct these stories, we utilize a variety of sources including news bulletins and first-hand accounts of the accidents. As we are not present on the scene, these accounts may not reflect the reality of the situation or the injuries sustained. If you notice any discrepancies between our content and the accident, please inform our office as soon as possible and we will make the necessary corrections.
Disclaimer: Fisher Injury Lawyers is an involved member of our local community, and as such, our intent is always to improve the lives and safety of those in our community. These accidents are a devastating reality of life in our cities and across our state. Our hearts go out to all those affected by them. We hope that by casting a light on these accidents, we will encourage others to take more care in their daily lives to avoid accidents in the future. These posts are not a solicitation for business, and the information included in them should not be construed as legal or medical advice. If you’ve been involved in an accident, you should contact a qualified attorney to discuss the specifics of your case. We wish the best for all those affected by these accidents. The photos depicted in these posts are not representative of the actual accident scene.