Well the answer is definitely yes and in fact you need to distinguish between your insurance company and again we’re talking about car wrecks here primarily although that’s not all that we do but in the car wreck context you’re talking about your insurance company the company that you purchased insurance from. You have an obligation under the insurance contract and the law in most states to cooperate with your insurance company with the investigation of the accident. You also have an obligation under the insurance contract and law to notify your insurance company of the accident or the wreck. So you certainly do after you speak to your insurance company about what happened. The next question would be of course should you speak to the insurance company of the other vehicle or vehicles involved in the wreck and the answer to that is almost always no unless you first consulted with an experienced injury attorney and I would add that it’s preferential that before you speak to even your insurance company aside from notifying your insurance company that you were in a wreck when it happened, where it happened and the circumstances generally of the wreck that you speak with an attorney as well. So if something has escalated to the point where you need to notify an insurance company of a wreck or an injury, you should at least consult by phone with an experienced injury attorney and we like most injury attorneys will give a free phone consultation and a free in person consultation.
Can I Still Hire A Lawyer After I Have Spoken With My Insurance Company?